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If you have pictures or video from your stay in Bad Gastein, we would very much like to bring it here - over time we will build a small gallery here.

STS - Bad Gastein

Official information movie from Gastein. Very informative even if the sender is the local Tourist Office (German speak):

Powder skiing in Badd Gastein. Recorded week 12 2009:

Some offpiste at our beloved homemountain Graukogel:

Powder skiing in Bad Gastein. By our son who skis the powder in Dorfgastein, Sportgastein and Graukogel. Recorded in Easter 2008:

Friends and family in nearby Zauchensee. Recorded week 7 2009:


Thomas & Sibylle | Esther Aggebos Gade 58,| 8000 Aarhus C | Denmark |